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Title Electrical Engineer - Intern

Design and implement a test setup for validation of the electric air taxi components.
San Francisco Bay Area
$20 - 7,500 USD / hour
1 month ago
Joby Aviation

Joby Aviation

Electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft for urban air mobility services.

Job is no longer active
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✨ About The Role

- Responsibilities include board design, system integration and test, validation test setup and operation, board-level rework and soldering, functional testing, and creating a test setup - The intern will work closely with a small team of engineers on the design, validation, and test development of the electric air taxi - Candidates will gain hands-on experience and contribute directly to the development of the Joby aircraft - The internship offers a job-like experience, with the level of responsibilities depending on the intern's independence and ability to complete tasks efficiently

âš¡ Requirements

- Ideal for a student pursuing a degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering with a passion for hands-on experience in electronics and projects like Formula SAE/Electric - Requires strong problem-solving skills, willingness to learn, and excellent communication abilities - Energetic, positive attitude, and flexible individual who is excited about engineering and eager to contribute to a revolutionary electric air taxi project - Must be able to work independently, complete tasks efficiently, and adapt to different responsibilities within the team
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Title Electrical Engineer - Intern
San Francisco Bay Area
$20 - 7,500 USD / hour
Job is no longer active
About Joby Aviation
Electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft for urban air mobility services.